Can CBD Help With Sexual Performance? Top Benefits for Sex

CBD oil can assist with a broad range of ailments. One of these is erectile dysfunction and weak sexual performance. More couples are now using it to help with sex. Due to this, it sees a much higher uptake than ever before, with the health and wellness world taking it up at speed. But what is the catch? Are there dangers to using it? The answer is no – it is a naturally produced product from plants. Particularly when extracted using high-quality methods like CO2 extraction and organically produced crops, there are minimal risks and side effects to using CBD products. The risks that can occur are due to mixing CBD oil with other medications. It is processed within the liver which can cause toxicity if consumed with pharmaceuticals that also get passed via the liver. Nevertheless, due to being natural and plant-based, the body can readily metabolize CBD oil and its useful bioactive components. Much of the research on this supplement is still nascent but there is already a huge and promising body of scientific studies that speak to its huge potential and existing benefits. Note that most of these studies were on animals as opposed to humans however the effects and abundance of anecdotes from users are clear. So, what are its benefits and how can these also help support your sexual performance?

CBD for Sex

So, how do CBD and sex interact? CBD, a cannabinoid produced from the flowers, leaves, and stems of the cannabis plant, interacts directly with your neurological system, your body's central command for the management of hormones connected to touch, sensation, and emotion. CBD particularly interacts with your endocannabinoid system (ECS), a complex system of endocannabinoids (neurotransmitters) and receptors that assist control of diverse behaviours throughout the nervous system. Is CBD suitable for sex? Are there any CBD hormone effects? More study is needed to properly understand the interaction between CBD and sex. CBD, on the other hand, is thought to enhance the physical and emotional experiences experienced during sexual activity. CBD can help you relax and enjoy sex by improving circulation. During any sexual action, blood flow is critical to how the body operates. Your heart rate increases and your blood rushes to endogenous zones, causing excitement. Ample blood flow is especially critical for male genitalia function. Lower stress from CBD has been linked to increased sex desire and sexual enjoyment in both men and women, according to research. Firstly, as we mentioned, CBD oil is anti-anxiolytic which means it can assist you with stress and anxiety. These disorders affect a huge number of people globally and have a massive impact on their well-being, health, and overall lives. The World Health Organisation found that depression and anxiety were the leading causes of disability and mental issues worldwide, having impacts at the economic level on societies. These issues are often treated by modern Western medicine through pharmaceuticals like ibuprofen, antidepressants (SSRIs), or other compounds which can tax the liver and body. These often result in inflammation and metabolic issues, creating internal damage if used intensely, particularly over long periods. Side effects can also be abundant – from agitation and mood problems to drowsiness, insomnia, hormonal issues, and sexual dysfunction. They can also be addictive. Take benzodiazepine for instance – while helpful to some, it is highly addictive when misused and is often overprescribed. This can develop into substance abuse for many. Full-spectrum CBD oil completely avoids all these problems and offers a natural, non-synthetic alternative. In one trial with those suffering from social anxiety, subjects were given 600mg of CBD before a public speaking test – this group showed much lower anxiety, stress, and discomfort which enhanced their speech performance compared to the placebo group. Similar results have been seen in assisting those with sleep or stress disorders, helping people develop a higher quality of life, improved mood, and behavioural outcomes. By acting on the endocannabinoid system, hemp oil may also provide neuroprotective benefits. Its antioxidative nature and ability to reduce inflammation can help to mitigate neurodegeneration and long-term protect neurons. Some studies are also indicating potential circulatory or cardiovascular system benefits through vasodilation and improved blood pressure when compared to a placebo. While these benefits may not directly relate to sexual health, they can indirectly benefit your sex life through improvements in overall well-being. Most diseases in the body are fundamentally caused by oxidative stress. This is when free radicals damage the cells and DNA over time through exposure to factors like sunlight, smoke, pollution, and chemicals. Taking supplements like CBD oil helps to reduce and reverse this damage, improving overall life quality, body resilience, and mitigating diseases.

How does CBD help with stress?

The ECS (endocannabinoid system) has interactions with metabolic functions like cell energy production and storage. Full-spectrum CBD oil can help to reduce appetite and stress-related eating which can help with weight loss. One of the big factors in weight gain and weight management is sleep quality. CBD oil has major benefits for relaxing and easing into sleep, helping with both sleep length and quality. We’ve personally heard anecdotes from many individuals and users citing the sleep benefits of full-spectrum CBD oil. It assists many with insomnia and sleep issues. Importantly it has anti-anxiolytic (or anxiety-reducing) properties which may relate to its capacity in helping people fall into a restful sleep. About mood enhancement, CBD oil is making a huge name for itself around the world. Firstly, it can upgrade your love-making tension – it is a stress reliever and can help many reduce the worry around sex particularly if they have had past issues, assisting them to get in the mood. Sex overall is a great stress reliever, inducing the endorphin hormone release (the feel-good hormone) and helping release pent-up frustration, and helping partners connect more deeply. restlessness, and an improved ability to experience or be in the ‘moment’ of sexual intimacy.

Why couples are using it

For many seniors, resorting to supplements with aphrodisiac qualities such as Viagra is beneficial. Full-spectrum CBD oil can also be of huge benefit to sexual health and performance for those entering their mature years. Doctors are usually the best and first port of call however for sex problems. A medical specialist will assess your conditions, and underlying causes and help you get to the bottom of your problem – they’ll ask questions like how long you’ve had the issue, how often it occurs, whether it happens with all partners, what types of sexual activity you’re engaged in, checking on your mental, physical health as well as areas like relationship quality and alcohol or substance use.

What else is CBD oil used for?

Improved mood and stress reduction

Research is beginning to indicate that CBD can assist or mitigate the symptoms of anxiety and stress through cortisol reduction. Its efficacy has been shown in some studies, including one clinical trial that proved the unique phytonutrients and antioxidant cannaflavins in the oil reduced anxiety markers across more than 70 subjects by up to 80%. A similar trial against placebo baseline states proved the reduction in cortisol and inflammation markers associated with longer-term stress from high-intensity jobs and lifestyles. How these works are not yet fully understood. It’s believed that by working with the metabolic pathways inherited in the endocannabinoid system, the oil can trigger the release of strong endogenous enzymes that can significantly help in supporting many bodily functions.

Reduced inflammation

Both in dogs and humans, the effects of arthritis develop in many people – more than half the population is likely to see joint decay and arthritis damage at some point in their life, causing significant inflammation in areas that can range from the elbows to knees, hips, and other areas. This is when the sheath of smooth tissue connecting bones between limbs begins to erode and exposes parts of the bone to one another which leads to friction and resultantly sharp pain. Over time our bodies decline in their ability to repair and reduce inflammation – including that from arthritis. CBD oil has been shown through scientific studies to help mitigate this through its antioxidative properties and plant compounds like chlorophyll, leading to reductions in inflamed tissue from the joints to the gut. It may also assist in helping to manage pain in arthritis patients. Both through topical application and oral consumption, CBD extracts can help to prevent and ongoingly reduce the symptoms of physical inflammation and its associated markers.


One of the most proven health effects of CBD oil relating to sleep is its capacity to reduce the frequency, length, and impact of epilepsy in patients which indicates it has neuroprotective properties. This has been the most studied and clinically shown effect, amongst both adults and children, which is extremely promising and indicates its properties can help ensure the brain can function correctly along neural pathways. Indeed similar pathways may aid in the production of melatonin and enhancement of longer-term sleep and circadian patterns in the sleep-wake cycle. Many of these receptors are found in the reproductive organs and sexual tissue. CBD can boost blood flow to these regions, increasing sensitivity and the creation of natural lubricants. Sex is both physically and mentally exciting, and CBD can influence how our brain perceives these experiences. ECS receptors are distributed throughout the brain, particularly in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which near the conclusion of the sexual response cycle produce endorphins – substances that cause sensations of euphoria and relaxation. CBD may aid in increasing desire, relaxation, and physical feeling during sexual intercourse. CBD can be taken in a variety of ways at home, depending on its intended usage. Those seeking rapid relief from physical problems can use topicals and inhalants, however, CBD oils and CBD gummies for sex can linger in your system for a longer amount of time, boosting libido and sensations.